Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Joy of finger paint

My mom took Lexi to the Surprise pool to swim for a bit so Ryan and I busted out the finger paint. It was his first time and he loved it. He ended up painting his belly and face as well.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Please tell me you've done this!

Ryan is at the age where he is interested in bugs. He has been noticing flies and bees especially and when a bee landed in the grass last weekend I had to explain to him why he couldn't pick it up. I tried explaining how bees sting but he just looked at me with wonder. I thought " OK, he doesn't get what sting is" so I told him that bees bite you if you pick them up. He understood that clear as day and backed up immediately and started saying "BITE". The bee flew away with no harm done. The next day after returning home from the store, Ryan got out of the car and was walking around in the drive way as I gathered the bags. With hands that could not possibly hold one more thing, I called Ryan to follow me into the house. Ryan responded with "NO". Ughhhhh...feeling like a bag is going to drop and smash one of my toes at any moment I put on my stern mommy voice and said "Ryan, lets go!" again "NO". Oh geez I can't feel my fingers any more and right about that time Ryan says "Bee"and a light bulb pops up above my head! "Ya, that bee is going to bite you if you don't get in the house" I said. Ryan came running making a whimpering noise. Into the house we went and when I put down the bags I hoped that I did not just scare Ryan so badly that he would never go near another bee, or fly for that matter. This was about a week ago and he still is saying "momma, bee bite". I'm going to thank god for the idea that saved the future function of my fingers and hope that there is no lasting damage! :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Is that the floor?

It's a rare occasion that we get to see the floor in the kids rooms. I made the kids clean up today so I thought I would mark the occasion with pictures. Plus, now that's proof their rooms are orderly sometimes!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

YEAH!!!! Poo Poo!!!!!

Today was the day! Ryan in 23 months old and we started potty training him at about 22 months. We started with the small steps of leaving him without a diaper for an hour or so and taking him to the potty every 15 mins. That seemed to be going smoothly so we progressed on to the days spent at home without a diaper. It's a slow process but it seems to work. We just recently the last 2 or 3 have been taking him out in public without a diaper. Making MANY bathroom trips. All these things have been working fine with pee but poop is a whole other story. Ryan looses it if he has to poop. Crying, yelling and completely refusing to go. Don't get me wrong, he has pooped in the potty but it is an ordeal that has taken anywhere from 30-45 mins. to convince him it's a good thing. Today was the day he did it on his own. It started with the typical poop cry and the 3 trips to the big potty where he cried and then got down. I decided today that I would pull out the training potty and let him try when he felt comfortable. I sat it in the living room with the Imagination Movers on and that's all it took(typical guy)! Ryan sat on the potty and with Lexi as his coach managed to make his first poop on his own without freaking out! He jumped up, looked in the potty and got a huge smile when he saw that baby! Lexi and Ryan both started yelling and I was cheering as well!! What a big boy!!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Lazy Weekend

This weekend was a wonderfully relaxing weekend. We stayed home except for a trip to the grocery store and spent most of the time in pajamas. We did however blow up our kiddie pool and pop up our canopy to give some relief from the sun. I love watching my kids playing in the water! The way they splash each other while giggling warms my heart. Lexi was trying to teach Ryan how to swim which is hilarious for many reasons. First, and most important she can't swim! Second, she puts her face in the water and squirms like a worm...adorable. Ryan spent most of the time drinking the pool water. I laughed watching Park continually telling Ryan not to drink water that his butt is in. Never killed me as a kid! I am going to work on spending more weekends at home to slow down the rush of life. I'll let you know how it goes :)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Preschool Graduation

Yesterday was Lexi's last day of preschool forever :( Park and I took the day off so that we could join the party at school and watch her say good-bye to her preschool friends. We are so happy that Lexi continues to grow and build new friendships. That being said, I almost lost it when they gave her the diploma. I felt like my baby had completely left behind her toddler years and joined the big kids! This fall she will be going to kindergarten at Boulder Creek Elementary School. I enrolled her there instead of any of the schools in our area because I run the before and after school program there. I have a good idea what teacher I want her to have in the fall and have already put in a request with the principal. On top of that, it is a much higher performing school and with the education ratings in Arizona, every little bit counts!

Summer is here!

We love any opportunity to play in the water!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Here is the deal with bologna juice

I had taken an afternoon shower and then made Lexi (who was 3 at the time) a bologna sandwhich for lunch. Like always, Lexi pulled the meat out first and was eating that when she told me she had to go to the bathroom. I told her not to wait and to go. I'm standing in the kitchen when I hear her shout " Oh yuk Mom, dad peed on the toilet seat!" (Gross I know) I said "No he didn't Lexi " stepping into the hall to talk to her, I see her smell her hand. She cut me off with "OH YUK, it's bologna juice!" At that point I burst out laughing because
1. Gross!
2. Her face was priceless!
3. What the hell is bologna juice?
4. I know that it's the mist from the shower I had just taken and that she is smelling the bologna on her hands that she had just pulled out of her sandwich .
She is staring at me holding her hands out away from her and laughing because I am. Once I could gain enough breath to explain to her what it was and have her wash her hands I thought to myself " I will never look at bologna the same."
Man I love that girl!

So...Now I'm a Blogger?

OK, so I have never been a big fan of blogs I know, but one day my friend Amanda told me a to check out her blog. I logged on and started looking at all the beautiful pictures of her kids and reading about the adventures of her 2 boys and I stared to change my feelings toward blogs. Those adventures often got me through the lunch times I spent pumping in my office after the birth of my son:) After reading her blogs for the last 2 years, it made me realize that I often think to myself "oh man, I have to write that down" after my daughter, who is now 5 years old has asked a hilarious question or made a comment that I love and don't want to forget. The problem is I never do write it down. With a full time job and 2 kids that I am chasing around, I find that I am loosing the brain capacity to remember all those wonderful things. So that leaves me here, trying out this whole blog thing and hoping that it will be easier for me to keep track of all the wonderful moments in my life! Wish me luck :)