Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Please tell me you've done this!

Ryan is at the age where he is interested in bugs. He has been noticing flies and bees especially and when a bee landed in the grass last weekend I had to explain to him why he couldn't pick it up. I tried explaining how bees sting but he just looked at me with wonder. I thought " OK, he doesn't get what sting is" so I told him that bees bite you if you pick them up. He understood that clear as day and backed up immediately and started saying "BITE". The bee flew away with no harm done. The next day after returning home from the store, Ryan got out of the car and was walking around in the drive way as I gathered the bags. With hands that could not possibly hold one more thing, I called Ryan to follow me into the house. Ryan responded with "NO". Ughhhhh...feeling like a bag is going to drop and smash one of my toes at any moment I put on my stern mommy voice and said "Ryan, lets go!" again "NO". Oh geez I can't feel my fingers any more and right about that time Ryan says "Bee"and a light bulb pops up above my head! "Ya, that bee is going to bite you if you don't get in the house" I said. Ryan came running making a whimpering noise. Into the house we went and when I put down the bags I hoped that I did not just scare Ryan so badly that he would never go near another bee, or fly for that matter. This was about a week ago and he still is saying "momma, bee bite". I'm going to thank god for the idea that saved the future function of my fingers and hope that there is no lasting damage! :)


  1. get him to watch bee movie and see if he gets scared..... :). on a related note did you ever threaten lexi that a squirrel would bite her? cuz that would explain a lot!

  2. We have ALL done that! It is part of good parenting, right? Instilling fear into our children is one of the perks.

